Вставьте пропущенные местоимения 11. she is mad about … car. she spends hours washing … . 12. pubs are an important part of life in britain, but … aren’t open to everyone. 13. can … help …? - yes, please … would like a pair of shoes. 14. that butterfly looks like a flower. aren’t … wings wonderful? 15. what's … phone number? may i phone you? 16. we know … well. they are friends of … . 17. give me … photo and i'll give you ….

drfast555 drfast555    1   16.09.2019 12:10    6

maks737 maks737  07.10.2020 19:48
Her car, it
Can I help you
I would like
This (тут неуверен)
Your number
They, us (очень странно составлено предложение)
Your, mine
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