Вставьте пропущенное слово. Здесь есть три лишних слова.

freelancer moved deadline present came sloppy bring up sound overtime bring out change research

1) I admire how Kate has been able to three children and work at the same time.

2) The Browns from the flat to the country house.

3) Tony works as a from home.

4) My father works hard because he has to meet tough .

5) Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics after many years of scientific .

6) Ann had to her job because she went to live at the other side of town.

7) Jane looks very tired as she has worked every day this week.

8) The missing climbers returned home safe and .

9) John hated working in a bank and to the conclusion that a desk job wasn’t for him.

II. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

1) She (clean) the house all morning so she was really tired.

2) Lisa got excellent mark on History because she (study) the whole weekend.

3) We prepared dinner by the time our mum got home.

4) Kate was so happy to see her grandma because she (not/see) her for a year.

5) When I called Jenny, she (not/go) to bed yet.

III. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

1) Our team (not/win) football match yesterday, but we’re sure it will next week.

2) My mum (cook) breakfast when I came into the kitchen.

3) Paul (try) to solve the problem for two hours before he decided to call his friend for help.

4) When we got to the party, Jane (already/leave).

5) When (Sam/finish) school?

IV. Подчеркните правильный предлог/выражение.

1) Sam has a brilliant career in/by law.

2) The great scientist died by/of heart problems.

3) Mary will be under/in charge of presenting our project tomorrow.

4) He began his political career at/in the young age.

5) Thomas Edison mostly invented telegraphic devices at/in the beginning of his career.

6) Before/when Leonardo da Vinci had a bright idea, he wrote it down in his notebook.

7) I can’t work well under/in pressure.

8) Zoe couldn’t believe it when/while she won the first prize at the singing contest.

9) His new job brings around/in an extra 200 pounds a week.

10) While/as soon as Mike patented his first invention he started working on some new ideas.

V. Восстановите диалог.

a) What does his new job involve?

b) How does he like his new job?

c) Wow! That’s fantastic!

d) Really? What happened?

e) That’s too bad?

Pam: Well, I‘ve got some great news.

Sue: 1) .

Pam: My brother got a new job last week.

Sue: 2) .

Pam Yes, he works for a big company as a computer programmer.

Sue: 3) .

Pam: Well, he creates software for the company.

Sue: 4) .

Pam: He loves it, but the pay isn’t really that good.

Sue: 5) . Is he disappointed?

Pam: No, he’s very optimistic that he’ll get a pay rise in the near future.

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