Вставте прийменники with або by. 1. he was taken to hospital … an ambulance. 2. he was treated … very effective drugs. 3. the boy cut his finger … a knife. 4. the boat was carried … the waves into the open sea. 5. he wrote his latter … a pencil. 6. america was discovered … columbus. 7. we eat soup … a spoon. 8. he was killed … a knife. 9. he was killed … the robbers. 10. he was knocked down … a big stick. 11. he was knocked down … a car.

Unicorn471 Unicorn471    3   21.09.2019 19:00    2

020910 020910  21.08.2020 13:05
1. with
2. with
3. with
4. by
5. with
6. by
7. with
8. by
9. by
10. with
11. by
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