Вставьте предлоги up, down, along, round, through, across, at (2), on, to. we walked from the hotel the station. they went the roof. they walked the town and took some photographs. the burglar got into the house the window. let’s go for a walk the river. let’s meet the corner of this street. the passer-by stopped the traffic lights. the sun started to it was getting dark. he’ll wait for me the end of the lane. there is a forest the lake.

nurasylmahambet nurasylmahambet    3   18.08.2019 21:50    0

alexxvlvh alexxvlvh  20.08.2020 11:28
We walked from the hotel to the station.
They went up the roof.
They walked round the town and took some photographs.
The burglar got into the house through the window.
Let’s go for a walk along the river.
Let’s meet on the corner of this street.
The passer-by stopped at the traffic lights.
The sun started to go down. It was getting dark.
He’ll wait for me at the end of the lane.
There is a forest across the lake.
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