Вставьте предлоги из рамочки там, где это необходимо.
at, by, in, into, of, on, over, to without

1. People usually go church Sundays.
2. You can buy souvenirs the shopping centre.
3. There is a big pet shop the city centre.
4. There are a lot of bridges the Neva River St Petersburg.
5. Let’s meet at the restaurant a quarter seven.
6. How can I get ___ the airport? – You can go there ___ bus or taxi.
7.The bus came ___ the bus stop and Jack got the bus.
8. We are going the restaurant. Get the car.
9. Children usually don’t go the circus their parents.
10. the weekend we went a boat trip.

CoralineGilmor CoralineGilmor    1   24.04.2020 07:50    177

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