Вставте предлоги ( in, at, under) i am the classroom. i am not the blackboard. i am the desk. there is a book my desk. my pens and pencils are my pencil-box. the pencil-box is my bag. the bag is desk. we’ve got flowers our school park. two pupils are sitting tree this park now.

adilimanaliev03 adilimanaliev03    2   17.09.2019 19:00    6

NoName4643 NoName4643  07.10.2020 22:27
1) in  2) at 3) at 4) on 5) in 6) in 7) under 8) in 9) under 10) in
bigsoldier bigsoldier  07.10.2020 22:27
I am in the classroom. I am not  the blackboard. I am under the desk. There is a book at my desk. My pens and pencils are in my pencil-box. The pencil-box is in my bag. The bag is under he desk. We’ve got flowers in our school park. Two pupils are sitting under the tree in this park now.
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