Вставьте предлог или послелог, где необходимо. james is coming back school next monday and his mother has asked me to explain the teacher the reason his absence. though he recovered his flu last week, the doctor told his mother to keep him school a couple of days.

DASHA135111 DASHA135111    2   19.05.2019 02:40    1

Павел9641 Павел9641  12.06.2020 07:58
Back FROM school
reason OF his absence
recovered FROM his flue
keep him FROM school FOR a couple of days
javajaaripo javajaaripo  12.06.2020 07:58

 James is coming back from school  next Monday and his mother has asked me to explain  the teacher the reason of his absence. Though he recovered from his flu  last week, the doctor told his mother to keep him from  school for a couple of days.

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