Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол. the bus driver will tell you where to … . get along with b) got on c) get off he is a new student, but he … fine at school. gets on b) gets together c) gets off she is a nice person to talk with and she never … my secrets. gets up b) gives in c) gives away she … her sickness quite soon. got up b) got through c) got over a reunion is a meeting of people who want to … after a separation. get together b) get over c) get back

alyamirnaya28 alyamirnaya28    2   25.09.2019 01:50    5

алёнка1234567891 алёнка1234567891  21.08.2020 15:16
1.get off
2.gets on
3.gives away
4.got over
5.get together
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