Вставьте правильный артикль, где необходимо
1. his sister always gives him __ good advice.
2. she`s got __ fair hair, - oval face and- big mouth
3. my mum is _ king-hearted person. she is-very active and fall of _ beans.
4. he's got _ hazel eyes, - wide forehead, - brown hair​

НюшаS12 НюшаS12    3   03.10.2019 11:08    0

lolol6y lolol6y  21.08.2020 21:11

1. His sister always gives him good advice.

2. She`s got  fair hair, an oval face and a big mouth

3. My mum is a king-hearted person. She is-very active and full of  beans.

4. He's got hazel eyes, a wide forehead,  brown hair​


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