Вставьте правильную форму глагола 1) they (went/go have gone) hiking some days ago. 2) we already (cooked are cooking have cooked) our lunch. 3) my friend recently (have bought bought buy) some nice souvenirs. 4) our group (visit have visited visited) the british museum in 2011. 5) they (make made have made) friends last month. 6) we (are starting started have started) our travelling yesterday.

Karolina777000 Karolina777000    3   04.07.2019 12:10    0

daryaladelshhikova daryaladelshhikova  28.07.2020 07:18
 They (went/ hiking some days ago.
2) We already have cooked) our lunch. 
3) My friend recently (have bought some nice souvenirs.
4) Our group ( visited) the British Museum in 2011.
5) They ( made friends last month.
6) We ( started  our travelling yesterday.
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