Вставьте подходящие по смыслу фразы предложения, отказа, предположения:
I'd like to, but
• Let's
• What about
• That would be nice.
I'm afraid I can't.
• Would you like
• how about
• Why not
• Unfortunately
— Harry, (0) how about going to the cinema and watching a film?
— (1). My granddad is coming today and I should meet him.
— (2) play tennis, then.
_ (3)my arm hurts.
— (4) going roller-skating?
— (5) , I'm not good at it. Look, Bob!
There's a golf tournament on TV today.
— Harry, I'm bored with watching TV. (7)play chess then?
_ OK. (8)

Nikita7152 Nikita7152    2   20.04.2020 12:45    10

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