Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы. 1. The house is not ready yet but as you ... imagine for the last weeks we've had to chase up builders and plumbers. 2. He…have had his visa renewed. 3. She is absent today. She ... be sick. 4. They ... have passed a test. 5. They ... have left London for Paris but I am not sure. 6. You... work hard to pass exams. 7. You…obey a law. 8. He... an extra course in mathematics. 9. Jack... to help his sister. 10. ... you give me a cup of coffee? 11. John had an accident and ... to call his insurance agent. 12. She ... to deposit this money in her checking account. 13. You ... to meet them on Friday. 14. ... we write a report? 15. ... you decide this task?

nebylobyagjjhgf nebylobyagjjhgf    2   15.12.2021 21:20    6

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