Вставте нужные слова
It wasn’t until It seems impossible
It is necessary it is incredible
It is unwise It is only a matter of time
1. to imagine a world without computers.

2. to have a CD-ROM drive to make use of multimedia facilities.

3. the mid-1990s that the Internet became easily accessible to the general public.

4. how our lives have changed with the advent of the computer.

5. before every household has a computer,

6. to leave CDs and floppy disks in direct sunlight.

7. to read the instructions on computer hardware carefully.

8. how old you are, it’s never too early or late to learn to use a computer.

даша3335 даша3335    3   08.06.2020 02:22    3

agisheveevelina agisheveevelina  15.10.2020 13:22
1. It seems impossible (Кажется невозможным)

to imagine a world without computers.

2. It is necessary (Это необходимо)

to have a CD-ROM drive to make use of multimedia facilities.

3. It is only a matter of time (Это только вопрос времени)

the mid-1990s that the Internet became easily accessible to the general public.

4. It is incredible (это невероятно) how our lives have changed with the advent of the computer.5. It wasn’t until (Это было до)

before every household has a computer,

6. It is unwise (Это неразумно)

to leave CDs and floppy disks in direct sunlight.

7. It is a good idea (Это хорошая идея)

to read the instructions on computer hardware carefully.

8. It doesn’t matter (Это не важно)

how old you are, it’s never too early or late to learn to use a computer.


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