Вставьте нужную форму to be . постройте вопросительную и отрицательно форму предложений she a girl. he also student last year. l teacher. it a dog. they at home now. you my friend. he be a doctor soon. they at school yesterday.

qwertyuiopasdfjdkdhx qwertyuiopasdfjdkdhx    1   09.09.2019 02:40    2

pogasii pogasii  26.08.2020 17:53
She is a girl. Is she a girl? She isn't girl.
He also is student last year. Is he also student last year? He also isn't student last year.
It is a dog. Is it a dog? It isn't dog.
They are at home. Are they at home? The aren't at home.
You are my friend. Are you my friend? You aren't my friend.
He will be a doctor soon. Will be he a doctor soon? He won't be a doctor soon.
They were at school yesterday. We're they at school yesterday? They were not at school yesterday.
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