Вставьте необходимые предлоги. LEARN THIS! Preposition + noun phrases

Some examples of preposition + noun phrases include:

at: not at all (вовсе нет/не), at last (наконец/в конце концов), at fault (по вине), at once (сразу), at stake (на кону.в опасности)

by: by mistake, by accident (по ошибке/случайно)

for: for the time being( в данный момент/ по настоящее время), for good (навсегда), for now (пока, на время), for one thing (во-первых)

in: in control(под контролем), in doubt (под вопросом/ под сомнением), in the wrong (не в том/в неправильном), in any case (в любом случае), in that case ( в таком случае)

on: on the one hand (с одной стороны) … on the other hand (с другой стороны), on second thoughts (если подумать), on the whole ( в целом)

under: under arrest (под арестом), under control (под контролем), under the impression(по впечатлением/сложилось впечатление, что), under pressure (под угрозой, под давлением)

of: of interest (представляющие интерес).

\\ \\ \\ 1 Your friend's clearly … the wrong; l'd be very angry!

2 It sounds like he's … a lot of pressure and needs help.

3 ... the one hand, he's behaved badly, but ... the other, he's still your best friend.

4 Ifl were you, I wouldn't contact him ... the time being.

5 He says he's your friend; … that case he should act like one!

6 Perhaps he didn't mean to, but he shouldn't have lied to you … any case.

7 I'm sure he upset you … accident, so you should forgive him.\\ \\ \\

savchenko29 savchenko29    1   24.11.2020 06:54    2

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