Вставте необходимые неопределенные мистоимение и их пройзводные 1) is there in the box ? 2 there are books on the shelf 3 the question is very easy can answer this question 4 there are english books in our library 5 you must find who can help us 6 knows that the sun rises in the east 7 left his bag in the shop yesterday 8 are there pictures on the wall 9 there isn´t on the table 10 could help him

дизиль дизиль    2   09.09.2019 00:20    0

SchoolWolf SchoolWolf  07.10.2020 02:00
1) something
2) some
3) Anybody
4) some
5) somebody
6) Everyone
7) somebody
8) some
9) anything
10)  one

простить великодушно. Возможно это просто опечатка, но все же
 - мЕстоимение (вмЕсто имени)
alena7a1 alena7a1  07.10.2020 02:00
1) anything
2) some
3) Everyone
4) some
5) something
6) everyone
7) Someone
8) any
9) anything
10) Someone
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