Вставьте:   concentrate, venom, upset, loss, slippery,  sickness, soothe, cure, strain, blurred.  напишите перевод1 drive carefully! the roads are really   after last night's rain.2 a lot of teenagers suffer from hearing   because they set the volume too high on their  mp3 players.3 working long hours in front of a computer can  cause vision.4 cold water will the pain if  you burn your hand.5 take a break from the computer, sam - you'll  your eyes.6 some poisonous animals inject   in to their victims.7 eating all that spicy food yesterday gave mea(n ) stomach.8 scientists haven't found a   for the common cold yet.9 steve always gets travel he  goes on long car journeys.10  i couldn' work today  because i didn't get enough sleep last night2.    выберите правильный модальный глагол. напишите перевод    модальные глаголы must - have to - should1  max was ill yesterday so he  wasn't able to /didn't have to  go to work.2 you  might not/mustn't  climb public buildings  - it ’s illegal! 3 a redback spider  must/can  give its victim s a  nasty bite.4 people with hay fever  should/can  keep their  windows closed in the summer.5 tom  mustn't/can't  play football next week.he's broken his leg.6 people who share mobile phones  should /might  get skin infections.7 if you sit in front of a laptop for too long, you  may/have to  get backache.8 alain robert  had to /could  climb buildings from  the age of tw elve.9 you  mustn't/don't have to  go to the doctorfor minor health problems. you can /must try a  natural remedy! 3.    соедините вопросы 1-5 with a-e с ответами1  should i come back                                                                            aoh no. w hat should i  do? and see you again?   2  i'm afraid it's infected.                                                                        вwell, it's my back.3  is there anything you                                         сonly if it gets worse.can give me for it?                                                                                           dyes, i think that might  help.4  w hat seems to be the  problem?                                                                                                                     eyou should put some  antibiotic cream on it.5 why don't you make  a study plan? ​

vaceslavsmelev vaceslavsmelev    1   27.04.2019 14:50    2

noname955 noname955  09.06.2020 00:15


1.slippery 2. Loss 3. Blurred 4. Soothe 5.srtain 6.venom 7.upset 8.cure 9.sickness 10.concentrate


1.wasn't able to

2. Mustn't

3. Can

4. Should

5. Can't

6. Might

7. May

8. Could

9.don't have to

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