Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little или a few.

1 There is ... salad left in this bowl.

2 Would you like ... salad? — Yes, thank you.

3 I have ... money, so we can go to the cinema.

4 Mother gave us ... apples, and we were glad.

5 This lemon drink is sour; if you put ... sugar in it, it will be sweeter.

6 . Have you got ... money on you? — I'm sorry. I have very ... money at the moment.

7 There are very ... old houses left in our street. Most of them have already been pulled down.

8 Shall I bring ... more chalk? — No, thank you. There is ... chalk on the desk. I hope that will

be enough for our lesson.

9 He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books.

10 She gave him ... water to wash his hands and face.
нужно как можно скорее заранее

lluukkaa lluukkaa    2   26.04.2020 17:51    2

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