Вставьте модальные глаголы must, have to, should. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. The court … establish a person’s guilt on the basis of facts.

2. The government … give the police great powers to combat crime.

3. Judges … be fair.

4. On the one hand, laws … be just. On the other hand, morality needs laws to uphold rights and punish wrongs.

5. Many companies … employ lawyers to ensure that their contracts are valid.

6. Contracts … be either written or oral.

7. You have violated the law and … pay a fine.

8. … the victim identify his assailant?

9. In civil cases the jury … decide on the amount of damages to be awarded to the plaintiff.​

aksnov31526 aksnov31526    3   05.05.2021 20:36    65

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