вставте и переведите ) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be (am/is/are/was/were/will be)
1. The library___ founded in 1862.
2. His birthday celebrated next Sunday.
3. The letters written yesterday.
4. The flowers watered every day.
5. This film on TV in a month.
6. The New Year tree decorated last week.
7. Breakfast ___ prepared by my mother every day.
8. Homework done yesterday.
9. The dog walked every morning.
10. The newspapersread every day.

ibragimovakatia ibragimovakatia    2   31.01.2022 03:27    30

vttarasova vttarasova  31.01.2022 06:00
1 was
2 will be
3 were
4 are
5 will be
6 was
7 is
8 was
9 is
10 are
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