Вставьте have/has + один из следующих глаголов в третьей форме в пропущенные в предложениях места. break, buy, finish, do, go, go, lose, paint, read, take "are they still having dinner? ” "no, they have finished.” i some new shoes. do you want to see them? "is tom here? ” "no, he to work.” " you the shopping” "no, i’m going to do it later.” "where’s your key? ”"i don’t know. i it.” look! somebody that window. your house looks different. you it? i can’t find my umbrella. somebody it. i’m looking for sarah. where she "do you want the newspaper? ” "no, thanks. i it.”

mashaivedmed05 mashaivedmed05    3   31.05.2019 18:50    2

annabragina19 annabragina19  02.07.2020 06:47
1) I have bought
2) He has gone
3)Have you finished
4) I have lost
5)has done
6)have you painted
7)has taken
8)has she gone
9)I have read
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