Вставьте глаголы в Present Continuous 1. He ……. is sitting…….. (sit) at the desk.
2. She ……………… (eat) dinner.
3. The dog …………….(sleep).
4. Tony …………………(write) a letter.
5. The birds ………………….(sing).
6. I …………………(watch) TV.
7. Mum ……………(make) a cake.
8. Ann ………….(swim) now.

Write questions. Then match them to the answers.

(Tom/study)……for the history test. A. Yes, I am.
(Mum/work)……..today? B. Yes, he is.
(You/write)…….a letter? С. No, they aren’t.
(They/laugh)………..? D. Yes, you are.
(It/rain). The sky is grey? E. No, she isn’t.
(I/sit)………..on the your chair? F. Yes, it is.

Put the verbs into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous
1.Bob………..(wash) his car at the moment.
2.My sister………..(eat) her dinner now.
3.I always…………(do) my homework in the evening.
4.Mother usually………….(do) the housework at the weekend.
5.Kate………..(tidy) his room now.
6.They usually……………(go) on holiday in August.
7.Jane always………….. (go) to the bed early.
8.He……………(write) an email at present.

АннаЛітвін АннаЛітвін    2   06.06.2020 11:30    46

VicktoriaGra VicktoriaGra  15.10.2020 13:15

2.is eating

3.is sleeping

4.is writing

5.are singing

6.am watching

7.is making

8.is swimming

Is Tom studying for the history test?B.Yes,he is

Is mum working today?E.No,she isn't

Are you writing a letter?A.Yes,I am

Are they laughing?C.No,they aren't

Is it raining?The sky is grey.F.Yes.it is.

Am I sitting on the your chair?D.Yes,you are.

1.is washing

2.is eating



5.is tidying



8.is writing

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