Вставьте глаголы “to be”, “to have” в соответствующей
форме в Past Indefinite, Present Indefinite, Future Indefinite.
Переведите предложения.
1. I … Master of Sport of Russia.
2. My friend … the first ranking in track-and-field.
3. You … … be a member of that sport society next year.
4. There … many good sports facilities in our University.
5. Spartak … the first trade-union sports society in Russia.
6. Each school in Russia … a gymnasium.
7. His coach … an Olympic champion in 2008.
8. The students of our group … at the training session last month.
9. She … … good results next year. She practices much.
10.There … only 1 Candidate Master of Sports in our group last year.
11.My friend … Candidate Master of Sport of Russia.
12.Each city in Russia … sports facilities.
13.They … … members of Spartak next year.
14.Dynamo … one of the first stadiums built in Moscow.
15.Their coach … a World champion in 2006.
16.Athletes of this sports club … at the training session last month.
17.He … … a champion next year. He practices much.
18.There … 3 champions in our group last year.
19.There … many excellent sports facilities in Moscow.
20.This athlete … the second ranking in cross-country skiing.

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