Вставьте глагол (To be : am / is / are / was /were /) в нужной форме

1.The driver as well as the passenger (be) hurt in the accident.

2. The salt and the pepper (be) put on the table.

3. Not only she but also everybody (be ) embarressed by his rude manner.

4. Two hour's study ( be ) enough for him to prepare for the quiz.

5. Not only the teacher but also the students themselves (be) tired.

6. He was at his wit's end. His last sixpence (be) spent.

7. She as well as we (be) highly satisfied with their work.

8. Not only the eaarth but also the panets ( move) round the sun.

Милята240106 Милята240106    3   19.05.2020 20:49    30

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