Вставьте эти слова в пропуски:
a) ambitious
b) creative
c) hard-working
d) motivating
e) helpful
f) punctual
g) relaxed
h) sociable
i) practical
j) reliable

she's good in a team and she gets on well with her colleagues.She is extremly sociable.
1)She is never late for meetings-she is always
2)She is very;she always meets deadlines.
3)She is in the office at 8.00 am everyday and often stays late -she is very
4)She is also a veryperson with a lot of ideas for the future of the company.

20042007rbn 20042007rbn    1   27.05.2020 14:50    1

lol1047 lol1047  15.10.2020 10:03
f punctualj reliablec hard-workingb creative
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