Вставьте артиклы, где это необходимо: 1. he is only person i know here. i saw him last year. 2. what did you discuss at last meeting ? 3. she is such nice woman! 4. all students must learn following rules and observe them. 5. i looked through books on upper shelf but didn't find necrssary one. 6. go straight ahead and them turn to left. 7. i didn't get main idea of story. 8. it's same question you asked me last time. 9. we'll speak about it next time. 10. they are such clever students. 11. what do you call it in english ? - ceiling. 12. look at sky. moon is full today. 13. kitchen in my flat is too small. i'm looking for flat with larger kitchen. 14. it's lie and i want to know truth. 15. the browns usually go to south in summer. 16. he grows different flowers in garden. 17. he likes going to country for the weekend. 18. i'd like to go to east and to west. i'd like to see world. 19. children are waiting for you on ground floor.

Влад200619 Влад200619    3   26.07.2019 12:40    1

M18voronenko M18voronenko  24.09.2020 22:28
1. the, -
2. the
3. a
4. -, the
5. the, the, the
6. the
7. the, the
8. the, -
9. -
10. -
11. a
12. the, the
13. The, a, a
14. a, the
15. -
16. -, the
17. the
18. -, -, the
19. The, the
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