Вставте артикли : the ,a ,an ,если нужно hows into__ gulf of finland is __highest peak of__coucasus. are covered with__shows. islands are situated to __hort of__england is __largest country in __america. is washed by black sea. baikals is __deepest lake in__world.

gurinovichlena gurinovichlena    3   30.07.2019 21:20    1

adelina1476p0c7y7 adelina1476p0c7y7  31.07.2020 23:24
1)__ The Neva flows into the Gulf of Finland
2)__ Kasbek is the highest peak of the Caucasus.
3)__ The Alps are covered with shows.
4)__ The Shetland islands are situated to the north of England
5)__ The USA is the largest country in America.
6)__ The Crimea is washed by the Black sea.
7)__ Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
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