Вставьте артикли "l'd ſike to get bunch of roses for __ moment. yes, __ shop you need is down street around _ corner. just cross __ mad at _ crafflc lights opposite post office". "whar's _ name of __ novel you bought at __ station before yesterday? " **oh, it's not novel, it's __ film review called _ cinema today'l there is __ information about new films and also __ interesting facts about _ life of _ actors who ofien work not only for _ cinema but also for __ television and _ ſheatre". "what do you do? " "l'm __ musician". "have you got __ regular job? " "yes. l play _ violin in _ orchesua". *do you like __ big cities? " kno, l come from _ small tovm in __ mountains. there isn't even hotel because _ tourists seldom come 50 fir to north of country". "*do you watch _ tv? " "no, l don't have _ tv set at __ home. l prefer to go to _ bed early". "did you enjoy _ day off at __ seaside? " "yes, it was __ nice day: sun was shining, __ cool wind was very refreshing and there wasn't cloud in _ sky".

R5R5ty R5R5ty    1   09.09.2019 18:50    3

tipichnayapanda tipichnayapanda  07.10.2020 03:48
"l'd ſike to get _a__ bunch of ___ roses for _a_ moment. Yes, _the_ shop
you need is down _the__ street around _the corner. Just cross _the_ road at the crafflc lights opposite __the_ post office".

"What's the_ name of _the_ novel you bought at _the_ station before
yesterday?" Oh, it's not _a__ novel, it's _a_ film review called _
Cinema Today'l There is __ information about new films and also
__ interesting facts about the_ life of _ actors who often work not only
for _the cinema but also for __(the) television and _the theatre".

"What do you do?" "l'm _a_ musician". "Have you got _a_ regular job?"
"Yes. l play _the violin in _an orchestra".
*Do you like __ big cities?" No, l come from _a small tovm in __the
mountains. There isn't even a hotel because _ tourists seldom come
so ar to __the_ north of __the__ country". "*Do you watch _ TV?" "No, l
don't have _a TV set at __ home. l prefer to go to _ bed early".

"Did you enjoy _the day off at _the_ seaside?" "Yes, it was _a_ nice day:
sun was shining, _the_ cool wind was very refreshing and there wasn't a
cloud in _the sky".
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