ВСТАВИТЬ ВМЕСТО ПРОПУСКОВ ОДНО ИЗ СЛОВ В СКОБКАХ. Todd planned (making, to make, to have made, make) an appointment with the dentist, but he decided (to wait, wait, waiting, to be waited) another week.
Procrastinating – (to put of, being put off, put off, putting off) until tomorrow things you need (being done, do, to do, doing) today – is a universal problem.
College students are famous for (Procrastinate, Procrastinating, to Procrastinate, being procrasinated) , but we all do sometimes. What causes people (to put off, putting off, to be put off, put off) important tasks? Read what the expert say.
Unpleasant tasks. It's not always fun (do, doing, to do, to be doing) a lot of things on our To Do lists. Most people prefer
(do, to do, doing, to be done) enjoyable things.
Poor time management. It's hard (to start, starting, start, to have started) on a project when you feel that you can't finish.
As you see, people often procrastinate because they want (avoid, to avoid, avoiding, being avoided) bad feelings.​

igfubyf55588 igfubyf55588    1   23.03.2020 00:37    3

annasefershaeva annasefershaeva  23.08.2020 16:56

To make, to wait, procrastinating, to put off, to do, doing, to start, to avoid

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