. Вставить some, any, no
Выберите правильный вариант ответа
1. We don’t have envelopes
Some any
2. Are there ... cups in the office?
Any some
3. Can I offer you ... more soup?
Some any
4. They had ... chocolate biscuits
Any no
5. He didn't drink ... water
No any
6. There is ... paint in this garage
Some any
7. There was ... salt in the soup
Any no
8. Can I have ... cheese on my spaghetti, please?

Any some
9. He hasn't got ... shampoo
Any some
10. She took ... photos at the wedding
No anyЯ

stockmen stockmen    1   30.04.2020 14:26    0

даня1163 даня1163  14.10.2020 04:55
1. any
2. any
3. some
4. no
5. any
6. some
7. no
8. some
9. any
10. no
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