Вставить слова и написать предложения.(is, are, do, does,don*t, doesn*t,can,can*t,) your friends? -yes, your brother? -yes, ride a bike? -no,, want to play with the ball? -no, roller-skate , friend want to play the piano? -yes.,

LilNooqas LilNooqas    2   03.03.2019 01:40    1

Blanco2017 Blanco2017  23.05.2020 22:57


1) Are they your friends?-Yes,they are

2) Is he your brother?-Yes,he is.

3)Does he ride a bike?-No,he doesn*t.

4) Do you want to play with the ball?-No,I don*t.

5) Can she roller-skate well.?-No,she can*t.

6) Does your friend want to play the piano?-Yes, he.does.

Pandi2 Pandi2  23.05.2020 22:57


1ARE they your friends?-Yes,they ARE.

2)IS he your brother?-Yes,he IS

3) CAN he ride a bike?-No,he CAN*T..

4)DO you want to play with the ball?-No,I DON*T.

5)CAN she roller-skate well.?-No,she CAN*T.

6) DOES your friend want to play the piano?-Yes., he DOES

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