вставить слова. английский 8 класс. Put the verbs into the correct Present tense form:

1)He lost his purse again!
2) your brother often leave his stuff everywhere?
3)My parents for a new house at the moment.
have already looked, has been looking, are looking
4)We for half an hour already.
have been driving, have driven, drove
5)The poet this poem long ago!
hasn’t written, wrote, was writing
6)I was having my lunch when the phone .
rang, was ringing, will ring
7)My sister was sleeping ,our dog something, and I was dreaming.
was eating, has eaten, ate
8)Our relatives abroad next month.
went, are going, have gone
9)The train at 6 am.
will leave, is leaving, leaves
10) It’s dark. I turn on the light!
have turned,‘ll, would

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