Вставить слова 1) she speak french ? 2) you do your homework every day. 3)we not go on an excursion last week. 4)you not take puctures in the museum 5) l water the flovers every day? 6)i do a lot of work tonight. 7) you please tell me how to get to the station. 8)we do what the teacher says. 9) you visit your frends on sunday. 10) l go for a walk with you? 11) tom his boots every day. вставить эти слова в : could should can have to must may

sad1300 sad1300    3   15.07.2019 19:10    4

Лола666484 Лола666484  07.09.2020 12:46
1) Can she speak French ?  2) You have to do your homework every day.  3) We could not go on an excursion last week. 4) You must not take puctures in the museum 5) Should l water the flovers every day?  6)I have to do a lot of work tonight. 7) Could you please tell me how to get to the station.  8)We must do what the teacher says.  9) You may visit your frends on Sunday.  10) Can l go for a walk with you?  11) Tom should clean his boots every day.
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