вставить пропуски в предложения.
1. He often to the park after the lessons. Goes/ is going/ has gone
2. Look! In the photo we in our school swimming pool. Swim/ is swimming/ are swimming
3. She the club every Monday. Visits/visit/ is visiting
4. There ___ a desk and two chairs in my room. Am/ is / are
5. There are not flowers in the room. Some/ any/ no
6. There some bookshelves in the room. Was/ were
7. We've got eggs. a few/ a little
8. We've got milk. a few/ a little
9. bottles of water have you got? how many/ how much
10. bread do you sell? how many/ how much
11. When Pam's mum , she her old friend. was shopping, met/ was shopping, was meeting/ shopped, met
12. People while the clowns silly things. were laughing, did/ were laughing, were doing/ laughed, did
13. you ever exotic food? have eaten/ has eaten/ did eat
14. If the weather fine, I a bike. will be, ride/ is, will ride/ is, ride
15. There are dark clouds in the sky. It . is raining/ is going to rain/ will rain
16. We Brighton in 10 days. are visiting/ are going to visit/ will visit
17. Jane tidy up the classroom. have to/ has to
18. 1602 - one six zero two/ nineteen oh two/ one six oh two
19. He a lot before he won the championship. Trained/ have trained/ had trained

wolfbz wolfbz    1   18.05.2020 20:21    0

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