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1. Lenin visited London several times. In 1902 he came ... London to prepare everything ... the publication* ... "Iskra". He stayed ... London ... a short while. ... his stay he studied the life ... the British workers and attended their meetings. He liked to walk ... London streets. He knew London very well and called it a city ... great contrasts. 2. Karl Marx came ... England ... the summer ... 1849 ... the age ... thirty-one, and spent there the rest of his days**. Marx was buried... Highgate Cemetery***. 3. Glasgow, one ... Britain’s industrial centres, is famous ... its historical associations. ... Daniel Defoe [ʹdænɪəl ʹdi:fou] said that Glasgow was "one ... the cleanliest, most beautiful and best-built cities in Great Britain". Modern Glasgow is a very large city that stretches ... many miles... north ... south and ... east ... west. 4. The teacher asked Ann to make a list ... students who wanted to go ... the Television Tower. 5. John’s sister bought a guidebook ... Kiev yesterday. 6. George is going to give a farewell dinner ... his friends as he is leaving ... Siberia ... a couple of days. 7. How many cars are there ... display? 8. How many memorials ... Pushkin are there in Moscow?

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