вставить предлоги 1. I’m busy … the moment. I’ll call you back … a couple of minutes. 2.These birds sleep …the winter and wake up …the spring. 3. I’ve got an appointment … the dentist’s … 12.30 tomorrow. 4.They’re going … a concert … the moment. 5. I’m sorry, I can’t see him … the moment. 6. He has gone … Italy … two weeks. 7. I’ve been waiting … you …the whole day. 8. I work … a restaurant …the afternoon. 9.Tell him to wait … me … the entrance. 10. The train will arrive …the station … 1.30pm 11. The plane will arrive … New York late …night. 13. I’ve been living … Zurich …2010. 14.The restaurant is open … 3 o’clock … the afternoon …11 o’clock …night. 15. I work … Monday… Friday. But I’m free … the weekend. 16. The hotel is open … February … October. It’s closed …the winter. 17. France is famous … its culture. 18. I’m looking … a job. 19. Mark always sleeps … lectures. 20. Yesterday he applied … the post … the Finance Director.

miki745 miki745    1   19.06.2020 16:29    18

Даниил5356 Даниил5356  06.08.2020 16:31

1. at, in.

2. in, in.

3. to, at

4. to, at

5. at

6. to, in

7. for, for

8. in, in

9. for, at

10. to, at

11. to, -

13. in, from

14. from, in, to, in

15. from, to, on

16. from, to, in

17. on

18. for

19. in

20. for, of

вроде так.

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