Вставить правильный вариант: 1. – mike was a very talented child. - i know. he … speak french when has was 7. a) couldn’t b) could c) cam 2. – i’ve cooked sometimes special today. - oh, that’s why i … smell pie baking when i was going up the stairs. a) was able b) couldn’t c) could 3. –what are you doing at the weekend? - i hope i’ll … to
go to the countryside a) be able b) can c) could 4. he is really good at drawing? - i know. he … to draw well since he was 5. a) could b) was able c) has been able 5. have you heard the news? tom … win the race! -it’s not surprising. he has been working a lot lately. a) could b) couldn’t c) was able

asdx1984 asdx1984    3   09.03.2019 04:30    2

borisovaekaterina15 borisovaekaterina15  24.05.2020 09:25

1. – Mike was a very talented child. - I know. He  could  speak French when has was 7.  2. – I’ve cooked something special today. - Oh, that’s why I could smell pie baking when I was going up the stairs. 

  3. –What are you doing at the weekend? - I hope I’ll  a) be able  to go to the countryside

4. He is really good at drawing? - I know. He c) has been able to draw well since he was


5. Have you heard the news? Tom a) couldn*t  win the race! -It’s not surprising. He has been working a lot lately.


Tasuhka Tasuhka  24.05.2020 09:25

b) could c) could a) be able c) has been able a) could

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