Вставить правильные слова, choose the correct item. 1. did they board games last week? a. plays b. play c. played 2. we watched a film and then went for a walk in the . a. school b. park c. stadium 3. aunt polly a cake at the moment. a. is doing b. is making c. makes 4. does he french? a. is studying b. studies c. study 5. there isn't milk left. a. some b. any c. a 6. the is in the living room. a. fridge b. bookcase c. sink 7. football and basketball are games. a. indoor b. outdoor c. boart 8. an elephant is the animal. a. big b. bigger c. biggest 9. we saw him two years . a. last b. ago c. next 10. she's not to drive a car. a. going b. will c. go

vera0503 vera0503    3   02.09.2019 12:10    14

Lollimil Lollimil  06.10.2020 12:00
1) B
2) B
3) B
4) C
5) B
6) B
7) B
8) C
9) B
10) A