Вставить подходящие предлоги 1. the student body amount … 2000 persons. 2. they are trained … the departments … management and law. 3. the teaching stuff consist … a skilled personnel. 4. the university carries … training according… the levels. 5. the knowledge … the area … teaching. to (2), at, of (3), out, in

джон7777 джон7777    1   28.09.2019 14:40    1

khmelevaya khmelevaya  21.08.2020 17:34

1. The student body amount is 2000 persons.

2. They are trained at the departments of Management and Law.

3. The teaching stuff consist of a skilled personnel.

4. The University carries the training according to the levels.

5. The knowledge is the area of teaching.

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