Вставить"many", much, few, lettle, 1.come here! there vacant seats near us,three or four. 2 i must ,there isnt time left. 3 his study is packed with furniture. there is very spare room in it. 4roy older than steve. he is already thirty while steave is twenty-one. built-in cupboards are there in your flat? 6 hes a newcomer here. people know him yet. 7 im not going to buy , chairs and a table. 9 i cant say its a busy shopping street. there shops here. 16 put the grand piano in this room . its not very big either, larger than that room. заранее ,хех с:

itpediaigor itpediaigor    3   21.07.2019 02:40    26

Usdied Usdied  03.10.2020 09:20
Many     much     little     much     many     few    much    few   few   little по порядку
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