Вставить do или make в правильной форме 1 – oh, this table is so uncomfortable! – it is a traditional country table. my great-grandfather … then he built the house. 2 – shall i help you in the garden? – yes, please, i’d like you… 3 – i’ll … – oh, no, thanks, but i’d like some coffee, please 4 – do you like the place you’re staying at? – not very much, actually. there’s … around here – it’s really boring. 5 – have you … yet? – no, actually, i’ve decided to … first. 6 – does anyone help you with the housework? – yes, a man comes in once a week… 7 – let me help you … – no, that’s all right. we’ve got a dishwasher. 8 – what’s going on? could you please stop … – i’m terribly sorry, but we’re preparing for tomorrow’s performance. 9 – remember … before you leave for school! – i will. 10 – i feel terrible because he was so rude to me yesterday. – calm down! you’re … . you’re just being oversensitive!

uhvvivdgb uhvvivdgb    2   14.07.2019 17:40    0

Alina243jhj Alina243jhj  20.09.2020 16:53
1. do 2 do 3 make 4 do 5make 6 make 7 do 8 make 9 do 10 do
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