Вставить : a, the, - :
1) Best and 2) Worst
3) beautiful garden is what 4) ___English like about 5) house most of all.
There is 6) competition for 7) nicest garden in our town once 8) year.
Joe Sand has 9) most beautiful garden in 10) town and he wins 11) _
competition every time. Bill Leat has 12) large garden too. There are 13) __
rare flowers and 14) vegetables in his garden, but still Joe's garden is more
interesting. He has made 15) neat paths and has built 16) ___ wooden bridge
over 17) pool. I am 18) gardener too, but I don't like 19) hard work.
Every year I enter 20) garden competition, but always win 21) __little prize
for 22) .worst garden in 23) town!​

vikulek1 vikulek1    2   21.04.2020 15:21    4

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