Вставь в предложения артикли a/an, the или оставь пропуск. 1. I have a cat. The cat is black and white with long tail and brown spots. I feed my cat two times a day. Once a week I give it … hundred grams of meat. I know that … cats like … meat.
2. … Ben usually plays … piano in … evening. But today his mum has got … headache so he’s going to … Central Park to play … football with … his friends.
3. … sun is shining now .
4. After leaving … school she‘s going to enter … university.
5. He is fond of travelling. He has already been to … Urals, … Cyprus, … Sahara desert, … Australia, … Everest and …New York in … USA.
6. … Petrovs have got … big yacht and they have already sailed in … Black sea, … Volga river and … Atlantic ocean. Next year they’re going to visit … lake Baikal in … July.
7. I dream to visit … Hermitage and … Bolshoy theatre one day.
8. I can speak … Russian. Many people think that … Russian language is very difficult.
9. …President of … USA is Joe Biden. … President Trump is going to leave … White House.
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anytka1312 anytka1312    2   01.12.2020 19:30    10

den222276 den222276  31.12.2020 19:36

) I have a cat and a dog. The cat is grey. The dog is black. 2) Daniel Defoe was a famous writer. 3) Moscow is the capital of Russia. 4) Volga is the longest river in the Russian Federation. 5) Westminster Abbey is famous for coronations. 6) I am a pupil. My friends are pupils too. 7) Have you ever been to the Tretyakov Gallery? 8) Trafalgar Square is in the center of London. 9) Tverskaya Street is the main street in Moscow. 10) Would you like an apple? Yes, please. I like apples very much.

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