Вставь пропущеное слово favourite,by heart,second,maths,have,lessons. i have a friend.his name is jason.he is only six.but he goes to scool.every day he has three .the first lesson is .jason and his classmates count pens and pencils. in the lesson they learn poems .art is jasons lesson.he can draw very well.at 12 oclock they lunch.

sansankushnir2p08nd5 sansankushnir2p08nd5    1   21.05.2019 06:20    1

LusiyLusiy LusiyLusiy  15.06.2020 05:39

I have a friend. His name is Jason. He's only six, but he goes to school. Every day he has three lessons. The first lesson is Maths. Jason and his classmates count pens and pencils. In the second lesson they learn poems by heart. Art is Jason's favourite lesson. He can draw very well. At 12 o'clock they have lunch.


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