Вставь is или are.there tree in the garden.there pencils on the desk.there table in the kitchen. вставь is или are .cделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.there a book on the desk. five rooms in the flat. исправь ошибку .there are a boy in the classroom. is there a cooker in the kitchen? -yes,there isn't.there is six trees in the garden.

Oles1115 Oles1115    1   16.06.2019 19:40    5

missstelmah2002 missstelmah2002  13.07.2020 16:50
Is... are... is...
is... are /is there a book on the desk? there isn't a book...
are there five rooms in the flat? there aren't five rooms...
there is a boy...yes, there is there are six...
Taksa64 Taksa64  13.07.2020 16:50
2 are
3 is
4 is -> is there a book on the desk?
There isn't book on the desk.
5 are -> are there five rooms...? There aren't five rooms...
6 there is a boy in the classroom
7 is there a cooker...- no , there isn't
8. There are six trees...
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