Вставь глагол have got или has got. they house. the box. the box. the house. the house. she bags. we bags. ann bus. we pencils. nick parrot. hens. ann and nick book. it stick. bike. we bike. house. вставь глаголы is / are / am it grey. his rabbit big and fat. tim slim. i seven. rick’s hen red. i a pupil. you brave and strong. my name ann. they in the forest. my pets funny. i not lazy.

денис1139 денис1139    3   07.10.2019 07:30    5

anel42 anel42  10.10.2020 01:09

they have got a house.

the dogs have got a box.

the dog has got a box.

the cats have got a house.

the cat has got a house.

she has got ten begs.

we have got ten begs.

Ann has got a bus.

we have got six pencils.

Nick has got a parrot.

they have got seven hens.

Ann and Nick have got a book.

it has got a stick.

he has got a bike.

we have got a bike.

we have got a house.


lt is grey.

his rabbit is big and fun.

Tim is slim.

l am seven.

Rick's hen is red.

l am a pupil.

you are brave and strong.

my name is Ann.

they are in the forest.

my pets are funny.

l am not lazy

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