Вследующих предложениях измените время present perfect: 1) the pupils are writing a dictation. 2)my friend is helping me to solve a problem. 3) she is telling them an interesting story. 4) i am eating my breakfast. 5) she is opening a box of chocolates.

Liner158 Liner158    2   02.10.2019 17:30    1

VarmaleyYouTuber VarmaleyYouTuber  09.10.2020 12:11
1) write или wrote
2) help
3) tell
4) eat
5) open
grigorievatany grigorievatany  09.10.2020 12:11

1. The pupils have written a dictation

2. My friend have helped me to solve a problem

3. She has told them an interesting story

4. I have ate eaten my breakfast

5. She has opened a box of chocolates

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