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Do you think that there is life on other planets?

3. How many planets are there in our galaxy? Can you put the names of the planets in order?

Imagine you are going on a voyage into space. This voyage will be for several months. You are allowed to take three personal items with you. What items would you take?

gumballl1 gumballl1    1   12.02.2021 19:59    0

дашенька158 дашенька158  14.03.2021 19:59

1. I certainly believe that Earth is not the only planet with life on it, but I'm not sure if I believe that life from other planets or galaxies or whatnot could make it here.

It really is impossible for us to comprehend how BIG the universe really is, and how small we are in it. And its hard to imagine what would happen if aliens did come here- I mean, they could be friendly or they could be something out of a disaster movie.

2. There are 8 planets.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

3. I would go and take, my laptop, my phone, my clothes

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