Врешебниках нет этого. вариант i task 1. put the verbs in brackets into present simple or present continuous. 1. we ………………………….(to rebuild) our house. 2. the waiter…………………………… (to bring) the dessert. 3. she…………………….. (to look) for a new house to live in. 4. at present lucy………………….. (to work) on her project. 5. how often ……………………(you/ to cook) lunch? 6. i ………………………(not/ to listen) to the radio very often. 7. can you hear that? somebody……………………….. (to sing) . 8. hello! where ………………………/ to go)? 9. ann…………………….. (to look for) a new job.. 10. she told me her address, but i…………………….. (not/ to remember) it. 11. 'what ………………………….(your parents/ to do)? ' 'they are teachers.' 12. my brother usually ………………………….(to go) to work by train. 13. my sister sonia ………………………… live) in london. 14. can you cook? no but i ………………………… learn). 15. can you hear those girls? what ………………………(they/ to talk) about? 16. ……………… to need) a ticket to see your mother play at the theatre? 17. lucy is not in london at the moment. she……………….. (to stay) in paris. 18. how is your father? is he still ill? no, he ……………… get) better. 19. let's go jogging. it ……………………(not/ to rain) at the moment. 20. the earth ………………………….(to go) round the sun. 21. why ………………………….(you/ to look) at me like that? 22. she ………………………….(to prefer) coffee with milk. 23. do not put the scissors away i …………………… use) them. 24. are you (you/ to want) something to drink

Nelly175 Nelly175    1   20.05.2019 07:20    1

Anna69666 Anna69666  13.06.2020 15:01

1. are rebuilding

2. brings

3. is looking

4. is working

5. do you cook

6. don't listen

7. is singing

8. are you going

9.looks for

10. don't remember

11. do your parents do

12. goes

13. lives

14.  i'm learning

15. are they talking

16. do you need

17. is staying

18. is getting

19. isn't raining

20 goes

21. are you looking

22. prefers

23. use

24. do you want

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