Времена. yesterday it ( to be) a sunday and he ( to get up) a little later , at 8 when i ( to leave) the house yesterday morning , it ( to rain) hard , the peopple ( to carry) umbrella . if you ( to come) at 5 o'clock you ( to see) an interesting programme on tv. besides we ( to listen ) to good musik.

diasline diasline    1   19.05.2019 07:20    0

olenkadergunov olenkadergunov  12.06.2020 11:46

Yesterday it was a Sunday and he got up a little later, at 8

when I left the house yesrerday morning it was raining hard and the people were carring umbrella.

if you come at 5 oclock you will see an interesting programme on TV. Besides we will listen to good music






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